Les dispositions relatives à la prélature de la FSSPX sont presque prêtes
"J’ai demandé à l’évêque s’il avait de bonnes nouvelles à partager avec nous au sujet du statut de prélature personnelle présenté par la rumeur comme une offre romaine destinée à intégrer pleinement et définitivement la Fraternité dans la vie de l’Eglise universelle. L’évêque a décrit ces dispositions comme “presque prêtes” et faisant l’objet d’ajustements. Son comportement et son expression manifestaient la confiance et la sérénité. Quand je lui ai demandé si la situation requerrait seulement des prières, il a répondu spontanément que les développements de nature canonique avaient progressé au delà de ce point…"
Voici le texte en anglais de la conversation entre le Père Cusick et Mgr Fellay :
By Father Kevin M. Cusick*
Rorate correspondent for the
opening of the SSPX Seminary
in Virginia
The faithful gather from far and wide
Dozens of cars from many states and Canada lined the gravel drive that
connects the blacktop country road in the small town of Dillwyn,
Virginia, with the new seminary of the Society of Saint Pius X on a
knoll in the heart of the property. I found an unclaimed spot along a
side trail and began to walk myself, joining the faithful young and old
on their way to the holy Mass at the head of the day’s events planned to
inaugurate the new US headquarters for the mission of forming the
priests of the apostolate.
A non-Catholic couple from Farmville, Virginia, stopped and offered me a
ride, he a VIP guest from the Chamber of Commerce. I gratefully
accepted: my formal shoes ill-suited for the hike still ahead of me
along the drive that by turns was muddy. I exited the vehicle before a
vast white tent where the pontifical High Mass was already underway,
priests hearing confessions on the open ground next to it.
The day’s events
Once inside the tent I found open seating at the front near the SSPX
sisters at the temporary altar rails. Over 1,000 intrepid faithful
overflowed the tent, some with mud caked on their shoes, eloquent
evidence of the difficulties which they are willing to endure for the
Faith fed by the Mass of all time. The abundance of families have become
no doubt well used to Mass in fields under inclement weather over the
years in what has been an often homeless apostolate. The full sunshine
on this day, however, promised a natural benediction to accompany the
bishop’s sacramental ministry.
The Mass was certainly beautiful, secured as such through faithfulness
to the tradition handed down to ensure the worthy praise and honor of
God. The seminary schola and servers were alert and attentive soldiers
in the army of the Lord, formed now and for the future to fight for His
rights as God among men who sometimes fall slack in their loving
Bishop Fellay’s sermon
In his sermon Bishop Fellay spoke simply and without pretense about the
new seminary, the life of seminarians, the mission of the priesthood in
the Church for the salvation of souls. Prayer, silence, spiritual
reading and detachment from earthly things are among the necessities for
men called to priesthood, he reminded us.
Many young people and families from a dozen or more states in the throng
are a strong promise for the future. Some queued in the line for the
lunch ahead of me had flown from Saint Mary’s, Kansas. European accents
were in evidence in accord with the strong international identity of
the Society.
The seminary building had only been approved for occupation the previous
day and then only with the proviso that a fire truck be standing by at
all times. A generous benefactor made even that possible so that the day
could proceed as planned.
Lunch took place in the vast refectory under the imposing crucifix as
well as on tables set up in courtyard around a water reservoir necessary
in case of fires due to seminary’s remote location.
The blessing procession began with the bishop and clergy formed up in
the small seminary chapel and exiting to meet faithful outside for
commencing the litanies and blessing prayers. First the exterior of the
building was blessed and then interior, the refectory and the refectory
crucifix as we chanted the “Asperges me”. Bronze non-liturgical bells
from France were blessed outside and then hung in hallways and
classrooms for marking the periods of the seminary day.
The seminary building reminds of a French Romanesque chateau with its
rounded corner towers capped by conical roofs. The appointments are
spare in favor of quality construction to last for many years in brick,
stone, slate and copper. Turkish travertine paving stones will be laid
over the cement walks, the heavy wooden doors and banisters were made by
seminarians practiced in the carpenter’s trade. These are rendered in a
beautiful and loving craftsmanship intended to endure, reflecting both
of the beauty of our Creator God through what He has made and His image
in man whose skills praise Him.
I met with Bishop Fellay after a tour of the seminary, work on the final
finishing details interrupted briefly for the hospitality necessary to
serve the day’s numerous guests. Work has progressed enough to allow the
worship, prayer and classes to begin. Our conversation was made
possible through kindness of the Society’s media relations man and
Society priests.
“Almost ready”
I asked the bishop if he had good news to share about the status of the
personal prelature rumored to be on offer in Rome in order to integrate
the Society fully and permanently into the life of the universal Church.
The bishop described the current arrangements as “almost ready” and
one of “fine tuning”, his demeanor and expression exuding confidence and
serenity. When I asked if the situation was one merely for prayer he
was very quick to assert that developments in the canonical proceedings
had progressed beyond that point. But, he said, “the problem is not there” but with the matter of Vatican II.
“There’s still some need of clarification.”
He went on to elaborate, however, that the documents of Vatican II are
at issue, a matter with which many readers are already aware, the
remaining sticking points being those documents treating religious
liberty, ecumenism and reform of the liturgy. The Society has been very
firm and consistent over the years that these teachings are incompatible
with the integral tradition of the Church.
The bishop elaborated by describing the talks on the documents of
Vatican II with Rome as being in a “clarification” stage. He mentioned
this as being the case in particular because of the statement by
Archbishop Muller that the Society must accept Vatican II, including the
portions at issue.
“The Modernists”
The bishop said that “there is a lot of pressure from those which we
call the Modernists” to make things impossible when it comes to
integrating the Society.
He said that “a certain mentality” is involved here and “you know it can
be very difficult to change mentalities”; it is the mentality of a
certain generation” and these things “take time”. He said that we must
arrive at a point where one can “disagree and still be a Catholic” when
it comes to the mentioned points of Vatican II at issue.
It appears Bishop Fellay is prepared to wait if necessary, biding his
time though not idle in the least, for the work of the Society continues
to grow and flourish. I thanked him for his ministry as bishop and for
the beautiful Mass and sermon which began this first day of a new phase
in the life of the society.
The men lining up to bolster as priests the already vigorous life of the
Society begin formation in the new seminary, prepared for a capacity of
120, are a sign of robust faith. No modernists here.
*Fr. Cusick, a chaplain in the United States Navy, is also the pastor
of St. Francis de Sales, in Benedict, Maryland (Archdiocese of